we know that a cozy ambient really makes the difference. that's why our colivings are imaginated from the beginning as places to help you get to a better state of mind and sintony with the other residents. all the common spaces are decorated and equiped for a daily routine, such as: living room, dining room, balcony, kitchen, restrooms and laundry. the rooms of the colivings are individual and given without furnitures.
the price you pay each month to rent the room in the oka, already includes all the expenses for the stay, such as: water, electricity, gas, condominium, internet, tv, taxes and weekly cleaning services.
but moreover the burocracy and basic menagement of our colivings, we offer with a lot of love, a universe of experiences for our community, like free bikesharing, yoga classes, dinners, and many workshops to estimulate the self awareness of our colivers. let's have a look to some of our services:

nothing better than enjoying a meal with us. that's why, we offer special dinners made in your kitchen from our own "chefs".
film, pop corns and the best sofa in the world: yours. ops, I mean, ours!

Classes and Course
ça va bien? oui ça va! we already had french basic classes, courses of futurism, vegan cook, personal finance and also clowning. every months we invent something special to inspire the life of our colivers.

you prefer a small room? a big one? you want to live close to a park or in the other side of the city?no problems. oka residents can always indicate some preferences to change room before we open the opportunity to other people.
Oka Veterans
so many words but… do you want to know what people living in a coliving really live, learn and think?
The greatest quality of Oka
the people >
People are the gratest thing Oka has today, the connections and the ralationships that create between people in this amazing community.
- Patricia
Feeling good
with your new family >
I love Oka! I feel really welcomed, loved and admired in this "family".
- Joana
To create
A new community >
An experience extremely intense with creative, motivated and solidary people. I will reccomend staying in an Oka to every friend.
Learning how to
Live >
I never felt so alive in all my life :)
- Gabriela