the real estate market is changing, haven't you noticed? and it will keep changing.
in our opinion, coliving is just the start of this change.
in accordance with Euromonitor, coliving is the main tendence of consumption of 2018, and that's the reason why the oka cosultancy was born.
our consultancy was born to show to other people our project and the way we unnderstand the incredible world of shared residences.
we know that as an experience, a long term vision, the references we have and the data we own till now, Oka Coliving is just at the 10% of what we want and we can create.
we want to democratize and innovate the access to a new kind of residence, more worthwhile and creative, and bring the coliving solution to the biggest number of person outside our little but big universe Oka.
this work is for people and companies who want to invert in colivings but they still don't know where to start. the consultancy is developped in modules, like feasibility, finance, architectural projects, menagement of the community, new models of negociation and etc, also devided in different phases according to every demand.